Avoiding the 'Quarantine 15'.
How to Eat Better
Eating healthy may seem like a tall order in times of lockdown but finding alternatives may not
be as difficult or as expensive as one would think. There’s plenty of low-cost choices such as
canned goods like vegetables, beans and other healthier options. Frozen treats can include
berries, frozen fruits such as bananas or fruits with longer shelf lives like apples. Because of the
stress induced life of quarantine keeping yourself accountable and still having a routine is
essential even for proper nutrition and finding healthier snack choices such as unsalted nuts or
natural popcorn can go a long way to helping keep healthy standards. Find ways to eat
healthier throughout the day and consistently to prevent Quarantine 15.
The Facts
Quarantine has proven to show negative changes in individual’s behavior due to isolation from
others leading to mental disorders such as depression or higher than usual anxiety. These mental
disorders increase the chances of poorer diets that include less intake of fruits and vegetables. It
has been shown in other quarantine situations such as the Ebola Virus in West Africa when many
citizens were forced to survive off long life canned goods instead of having a diet of fresh
produce due to having to stay bunkered down.
According to the CDC website, issues with quarantining and pandemic situations may induce
anxiety and stress that can lead to irregularities in eating patterns. That can either have issues
with overeating with certain individuals and caloric deficiencies in others. Many of these issues
attribute to internal and external factors. There are many options as far as seeking assistance if
needed during such times of higher stress including this number for assistance 1-800-985-5990
And also the suicide prevention line 1-800-273-TALK (8255) if needed. (
To further back up the claim of issues that arise from poor dietary choices during quarantine, a
study out in Brazil showed the negative effects brought out in times of lockdown seeing
increases in sedentary behaviors occurring from nonessential businesses (gyms) closing and
higher usage of electronics correlating with increased processed food consumption. It is to be
noted that it cannot be determined absolutely but it has been shown that increased sedentary
lifestyles bring about poor diet choices.